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A Full House at Amalie Arena for Two Shows in Tampa

We have been lucky enough to catch two full house events at the Amalie Arena in Tampa, FL. What made us want to go through was after our first show back in the fall. In October we were lucky enough to catch a Straight-No-Chaser concert in Virginia. It was amazing and the first concert most of us ever attended. It’s such an experience to see a group you love in person and be able to sing and clap along with them. The girls absolutely loved the experience. (Their first real concert-ish experience was a year prior watching Footloose on a cruise ship which was also amazing!)

Kampgrounds of America

When we arrived in Florida we saw an ad for Pentatonix performing in nearby Tampa – how could we resist! We bought tickets the night before the show at a great price and away we went to the Amalie Arena in downtown Tampa.

Downtown Tampa at night

Tampa was beautiful at night with all the lit-up buildings, palm trees, clear skies, and a sliver of the moon. There were many parking lots around the city for the venue, however, we found a parking spot on the side of the street and paid less than $10 for the night. We were about 3 blocks away and less than 10 minutes of a walk. It was very easy to navigate and there were crossing guards to help all the pedestrians cross. They couldn’t have made it easier.

Amalie Arena

Many people were entering the venue, however, the lines moved very quickly, even through security – except for me because I believe my Fitbit sets the machine off every time. I always get pulled to the side so they have to run the wand around me and then let me proceed. Doesn’t fail. Next time I will try to remember to take my watch off and see if that makes a difference!

Like all venues, there are many ushers around to guide you to your seat. We were handy enough this time to not need their assistance. Section 330 was up an escalator and only a few rows up once we entered.

We had seats for a comedian at a different venue a few years back and sat on the floor looking up at the stage. Honestly, it wasn’t the best of seats because there were many people on the floor with us also looking up and we found ourselves shifting from one cheek to the other when the people in front of us adjusted. Also for that show the seats on the floor were folding chairs and not the comfiest.


We opted to not pay for floor seats for this show in Tampa and instead picked seats higher up so that we could look down at the stage. Plus…seats like this are padded and usually have cupholders. Perfect for longer shows! Here was our view of the stage. Not too shabby!

Pentatonix on Stage

When Pentatonix took the stage they said this was one of the biggest shows they had ever done and that the arena was sold out. It was quite impressive to see such a full crowd!

A full arena

This was an impressive show; if you are a Pentatonix fan, get out and see them. One of my favorite parts was when they sang Hallelujah and asked that the audience turn on their camera phones during the chorus. The entire arena lit up and looked like a light switch had just turned on. Check out the video of that here:

We all definitely enjoyed our time here and couldn’t wait to see what else we could get tickets for. Less than a week later we were back at the Amalie Arena in Tampa to catch a hockey game. Our first hockey game. It was amazing and one of the best things we all liked on our travels so far!

Hockey game

This even was just as crowded as the concert was, but again the staff at the venue kept the lines moving quickly. We had booked tickets only a couple of days before the game so the prices were much cheaper than when we had first looked, and we again booked seats in section 330. Easy to find and a great view of the ice!

1-800 Contacts

If you have never gone to a live sporting event you don’t know what you are missing. There is so much energy there! For this game, it was 90s night so it was all 90s music all night. People were dancing and singing along, including us and the girls. They thought it was the greatest thing! While we were worried about being cold, we brought blankets in with us (which are allowed.) We have quite a few of these blankets that are handy for travel and now hockey games!

Tampa Bay Lightning Sign

My favorite part: they played the Friends theme song every time Tampa scored. Well, they won 8-1 so this song was played a lot! Everyone sang along. Everyone clapped. And everyone was happy that Tampa was doing so well.

The game was great. The music was great. The atmosphere was great. And the venue was great. We had no complaints, and didn’t even have problems getting out of the city after these events. If you find yourself around Tampa and wanting to catch an event, definitely check out this arena. We are very excited to be able to catch the Bruins here in January. Whether we will be routing for Boston or Tampa is to be determined!

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