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Jokers: The Adult Version of Sorry

Ever played a game and thought “Wow – I could play that game again and again?” Well, that’s what Jokers was for us. We’ve been playing it for a little over a year now and still love it.

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Some people would refer to this game as Marbles (because of the marbles), but the official instructions call it Jokers, so that’s what we call it. It is a strategic game that is very similar to the game Sorry that you probably played as a kid. If you remember that game, it’s similar in that you have to come out of your Home, go all the way around the board, and into the end zone. You must do this before your opponent does to win. But remember, opponents can land on you and knock you out along the way. Fun, right? Now do the same thing but with big marbles!

Jokers game board with cards and marbles

As seen on the board above, where the five marbles are in your home area. You must enter out of that with either an Ace or a face card (J, Q, K). From there, you move around the board until you get back to your end zone (or safety – if it were Sorry). But add into that 8’s (which move backward), 7’s (which can be split between two marbles), and Jokers (which knock out your opponent or move your partner ahead). Got it?

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Instructional Video

Here is an instructional video on how to play the game that Jesse made as well as a sped-up version of us playing an entire game. Much easier to see it being played than to have me type it all up!

As you can see, the game can be played with anywhere up to six people. The kids play it with us so it really is for all ages (once the kids are old enough to not put the marbles in their mouths that is!) It’s addicting and a great game to play, or even gift to a friend.

Jokers game in progress

We got our version from Etsy, but there are many other versions online. We love the quality of it and how it isn’t cheesy. I’m sure it’ll last for a long, long time.

If you are looking for a new game to add to your collection – give Jokers a try!

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