Add flour and salt to a mixing bowl. Stir with a spoon.
Add the shortening to the mixture. Mix together with your hands. (Don't use a blender or mixer - you really need to do this by hand for it to come out the best.) You want the shortening to crumble apart. Push it together with the flour with your fingers.
Begin to add cold water by the tablespoon, continuing to mix with your hands. Add 4 tbsp. to begin, then add 1 additional tbsp. at a time, until you get to between 6 and 8. The dough will begin to hold together the more you add, until it eventually forms a nice ball, leaving no loose flour in the bowl.
Separate the dough into two separate balls, since you are making enough for a top and bottom crust.
Wrap each ball in plastic wrap and put into your fridge to chill for roughly 30 minutes. (This is a great time to prep your filling ingredients - whether it be the apples for pie, or the chicken and veggies for Chicken Pot Pie).
Tear off one large square of parchment paper to roll your dough out. I still sprinkle a bit of flour onto it to be sure the dough doesn't stick.
Place one ball of dough in the center of your paper. You can begin to roll the dough out from the center outward, spinning the parchment paper around as needed for ease of rolling. You can also use another piece of parchment paper on the top and roll the dough between the two. Flour your rolling pin as needed.
Place your pie plate over your rolled out dough to check for size. For your bottom crust, you will want it to be about two inches bigger than your pie plate when rolled out.
To transfer the dough to the pie plate, simply flip the parchment paper and dough over onto the pie plate, trying to center it as much as possible. Peel back your parchment paper slowly to remove it.
Fill your pie crust with your prepped filling, not overfilling so you don't make a mess of your oven.
Now begin to roll out the top crust, the same way you did the bottom crust. When you think it is big enough, hold the pie plate over the dough to be sure it is the correct size. It should completely cover the circle of the plate.
Once complete, flip the parchment paper and dough over onto the top of the pie.
Fold the top edge under the bottom edge and pinch the two crusts together. You need this to create a seal so the filling doesn't leak out in the cooking process. You can then flute around the edges to make a decorative edge. (Read this to learn how to flute properly). For many pies, you need to then cut slits in the crust to let steam escape. Be creative and decorative with this.
Some pie recipes you need to brush an egg wash or butter on the crust or sprinkle sugar on it. Follow your specific recipe for instructions on how to finish off your pie.
Optional: I usually put a piece of foil under my pie in the oven. If it doesn't happen to leak out, it will run onto the foil and not burn into the bottom of your oven!